Daily Devotions


Sunday's word: Bishop, Dr. Isaiah Dau of the Sudan Pentecostal Church


Scriptures: Exodus 13:17-22


The long route may be the safest if God is the one leading. Shortcuts maybe pleasurable and convenient but they may lead to dangerous ending. The Bible teaches that there is a way that seems good to a person but the end thereof may be the way of death, - *Proverbs 14:12*.

Reasons why God leads us through the long route:

1. So that we can not change our minds when faced with adversity.

2. So that we are prepared to face and handle challenges.

3. God leads us through the long route to make us mature.

4. God leads us through the long route to teach us to trust in Him and in His promises.

God's way of leading us today:

1. By His word. His word is the surest way to His will.

2. By His Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit are God's children.

 3. By the guidance of His servants who have themselves learned to know the ways and wisdom of God.

4. By repeated circumstances. God catches our attention by happenings and circumstances around us and within us. This happens when we have failed to hear his voice in other way.

Allow God to lead you in His ways. Learn to obey Him. The long route is the safest if God is the one leading it. God bless you.


Today's word: Bro. Babatunde Sunday


Scripture Reading: John 14:1, John14:27

The past days and months have been harrowing for many. The COVID situation has led to many deaths, many fears and many issues that only few, if not none, of our countries and communities have been left untouched in this period. The situation has led many to wonder where God is in these times of adversity.

The Children of Egypt as they went through the 10 plagues must have been in similar scenario. They would have been asking where is God? 

What God are you looking at in your adversity, in your period of challenge? Is it the God like that of Egypt?

In the period of adversity like we are in, and even when things in some quarters may be as bad as was seen with the Children of Israel during the 10 plagues, many like Pharaoh, would continue to defy God despite the clear signs and wonders of God Almighty they see around them. Like for Pharaoh, the end is destruction. However, looking up to Jesus leads to a different end which is life eternal and Peace.


Manifestation of God's Greater Glory By Br. Joseph Ondu. 27/02/2022

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